Web Monitoring

Web/API Monitoring

Ensuring the company's website/application and HTTP APIs are available and accessible to users is very important for every business. Services that are not accessible to users will cause harm to a business.

Get to know
Web/API Monitoring

The website/web application monitoring module and HTTP API can ensure the functionality of your company's services can be available and accessed by users, has reliable proactive maintenance features.

network monitoring works

Reasons to Use Web/API Monitoring

Here are some of the benefits that your company will get from the Web/API Monitoring module, site/web application monitoring and HTTP API.

Website/API Performance Audit Report Automation

The Web/API monitoring module is able to make it easier for you to get a website/API performance report automatically in just 1 click.

Monitoring is Proactive Maintenance

There is a real-time notification feature via the Telegram application or e-mail to make it easier for you to monitor anywhere and anytime.

Displaying information in graphical form

The monitoring Web/API module displays “Response Time” and “Up/Down” status information through an easy-to-understand graphical display.

24/7 real-time performance monitoring

The Web/API monitoring module makes it easy for you to monitor your business's web/API performance in real-time 24/7.