Network outages or downtime can cost companies a large amount. Every company needs the right network monitoring services to keep the network stable and not experience any downtime at all, especially during busy times.

Fortunately, companies can now choose from a variety of network monitoring services with varied features. Companies can choose the one that best suits their individual needs. Actually, what is the importance of network monitoring services for companies, and why are the many options important?

Network Monitoring Services Make It Team tasks much easier

Network monitoring involves collecting and analyzing network performance data as well as tracking and inventorying devices on the network. Network performance data is instantly tracked and compared to predefined historical averages or thresholds so that IT teams can be notified of potential problems that will occur in near real-time.

Choosing the right network monitoring application service for the company will greatly help the IT team, as their task will be easier. Routers, switches, virtual servers, wireless devices, and all kinds of applications require a 24 hours network monitoring solution every day. Here are some reasons why this service is so important:

1. One Step Ahead In The Event Of A Blackout

The causes of IT outages are very diverse. Starting from human error, configuration issues, and environmental factors that can all contribute. Implementing network monitoring is one of the most basic and simple ways to prevent outages. Network monitoring services provide the visibility needed to stay one step ahead of potential problems.

Network monitoring services will display network performance data directly in an easy-to-read interface. Network monitoring software helps companies identify outages that can cause company operational activities to come to a halt.

2. Handle Problems Faster

In a bad situation, time is money. Network monitoring can be an easier and faster solution for IT teams that have limited time. Whether it is faced with misconfigurations or abnormal traffic fluctuations. Network monitoring services can help solve problems faster.

There is usually a network map that will direct the IT team to the origin of the problem. Additionally, there is a status window that displays network performance metrics over time. In addition, network monitoring services can also go further, not only identifying problems but also being able to fix problems automatically without having to involve other parties.

3. Get ROI directly

IT teams face heavy workloads and increasingly complex projects every day. Often, companies also don’t have the time, the right staff, or enough budget to solve network problems. The right network monitoring service is able to provide immediate ROI without the need to manually dig into network performance because tasks have been automated.

With automation, IT staff has more free time to work on more important projects. Network monitoring services are able to see directly to the source of the problem, so it can save time to solve problems that would otherwise take longer. In addition, overcoming IT outages with the help of network monitoring services will significantly reduce outage costs for companies.

4. Managing a growing and changing network

Technological innovation is accelerating as time goes by. The environment that must be managed by IT is also getting bigger in scope. Networks are getting more complex, remote work is also becoming more prevalent, so many things are changing faster than usual.

If all these changes are monitored manually, of course the IT staff will be overwhelmed. But with the help of network monitoring services, all of these vast network areas will be completed easily and quickly.

5. Identifying Security Threats

One of the advantages of network monitoring services is that they can more quickly identify problems and security threats, both from within the company and externally. The rapidly evolving threats can be more easily overcome with network monitoring services.

Network Monitoring Helps Improve Network Stability

Network stability is very important, especially in corporate networks. From year to year, various business operations depend heavily on the stability of the network. If power outages used to be no big deal, now they can make businesses lose huge amounts of income! Without effective network monitoring tools, IT teams have to catch up to respond to problems. 

Sometimes, network performance and security issues go unnoticed for long periods of time. It could be that an application runs slowly for days before it is finally noticed by the IT team. For example, a company’s network may go down in the middle of the night and no one notices it until 6 or 7 a.m. the next day. The IT team had to work hard to recover it as quickly as possible. 

To overcome the problem of network stability, it requires high network monitoring capabilities and is able to provide enterprise visibility into virtual servers and their application environments. If the monitoring tool can provide notifications, then the IT team can proactively troubleshoot problems before the network experiences problems that result in reduced productivity.

The right solution monitors more than just the network

Various companies have certainly used network monitoring services to monitor the stability of their networks. But that does not mean that these companies do not continue to look for products that can meet their needs even better and are easier to use than those used today. 

If there is a better network monitoring service, there is certainly no harm in switching. The right network monitoring solution for each company may vary because the needs of each company are different. If you choose the right solution, the monitoring tool can provide complete security for the company and certainly make it easier for IT teams to work. 

There are many network monitoring services that offer monitoring, visibility into servers, or monitoring applications. But few combine everything into one solution. Therefore, the right selection is needed in order to meet what the company needs as a whole, so that nothing is missed and the network becomes unstable. 

Netmonk is present as a provider of network monitoring applications in Indonesia. With its superior product, Netmonk Prime, it is able to meet the needs of network, web/API, and server monitoring applications in one application, making it easier to monitor and understand. 

The quality of Netmonk has been proven because it has been used in more than 15 companies in Indonesia, including Telkom Indonesia, Pelita Air Service, Kominfo Pangkalan Bun, and many more. For more info, just visit the Netmonk website right now!