Have you ever heard of DHCP? This term is closely related to the protocol that distributes IP to devices and connects them to the network. DHCP is widely used to provide accurate communication protocols related to rows of numbers and special formats from devices to the network.
Getting to know DHCP
DHCP server is short for the term Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. This means that it is used for the needs of IP address distribution to computer networks, which tend to be more dynamic. With this support, you can automatically perform IP configuration needs on all network devices.
This IP address has configuration needs that are distributed directly through the support of DHCP and subnet masks. In some computer networks, some do not use DHCP, so the network must perform the IP configuration function manually on each device. This is what makes it take more time, so it is less efficient.
Not only that, it also leads to a computer network on a larger scale.
What is the Function of DHCP?
After getting to know the meaning of DHCP, then you need to know about the functions of the DHCP server, which can be checked as follows!
1. Support IP Usage
Configuration on this network tends to be temporary, and the period also tends to be lease time. It is important to understand that on this device it no longer uses the IP address so that another device that submits a request can use it again.
2. Automatic IP Renewal
IP is a very important thing to use; DHCP allows IP update support to be done automatically and quickly. This is what makes the IP address used previously expired can be automatically updated and connected to the relevant network. You no longer need to make detailed settings.
3. Prevention of IP Conflicts
The next function of DHCP is to prevent IP conflicts that endanger the server. You need to know that usually, a network has the same IP, so when connected to the network, it can cause unexpected things. This conflict is usually configured manually.
You don’t need to worry because this IP conflict can be resolved directly using DHCP, so there will be no similar IP.
How Does DHCP Work?
After understanding the function of DHCP, you need to know how it works. In order to get efficient performance, DHCP requires two important components, namely the client and server, which perform several computer configuration networks, starting from determining the IP gateway to lease time.
As for the stages of this communication requirement, don’t forget to check the full explanation below!
1. Discovery
It can be said that this stage is the earliest stage to be carried out, which is when the client’s device searches for the DHCP server and immediately sends a broadcast containing packets using the discover message. It contains a client’s message that requires IP address configuration support.
2. Offer
After this discovery process is successful, then the next is the offer; that is when the DHCP server and discovery message are received, the DHCP server can immediately respond in the form of an offer message. It will contain the configuration of the IP Address given to the client in it.
3. Request
Next is the request, which means that when the offer message has been received by the DHCP client, the client can immediately send a request message that contains the client’s approval or offer given by the DHCP server.
4. DHCP Acknowledgement
The next step that needs to be done is that the DHCP server will send a DHCP acknowledgment, which contains complete information and configuration of the IP address, including leasing time and the length of the IP lease mentioned. Not only that, but this DHCP is also able to change the status of the IP that has been loaned to the client.
If you have entered this stage, the IP can be directly connected to the network for better communication.
Why Do We Need to Use a DHCP Server?
There are several functions and crucial advantages of using this DHCP server for you to be considered further. The full explanation can be directly checked below!
1. Can be used for Large Scale Networks
The first thing that is inherent in this DHCP Server to be used is to help the management process of various client computers in a specific network. The scope provided starts from tens to hundreds of more devices in the network. Not only that, DHCP also helps clients submit requests faster.
2. Automatic IP Address Change
DHCP provides the need for an IP address on a device whose validity period complies with specific regulations. This IP can be changed and replaced according to the lease period of the hosting that guides the client if it has expired. If this does happen, the DHCP will help extend the period.
You can renew the IP address or replace it with a new one automatically without the need to do a complicated configuration process it. When this IP address has expired, it is possible that it cannot be used again. DHCP will also help carry out a further checking process regarding the IP address used.
3. Centralized Configuration Support
The existence of DHCP allows the entire configuration to be directly centralized on the server. You can help with specific changes in the network configuration. This support helps minimize the occurrence of IP configuration errors that cause fatal errors and avoid the amount of time wasted to solve them.
IP is indeed something crucial that ensures the security and credibility of the data used, especially when it comes to all the computer devices connected to it.
4. Reliable IP Address Configuration Support
Furthermore, DHCP is supported by IP address configuration that tends to be reliable so that it can minimize unwanted IP Address errors. You don’t need to be afraid when there is an input error or similarity because it can be directly adjusted more easily with DHCP.
Not only that, the help of DHCP, it allows you to immediately carry out the process of distributing more IP addresses to specific devices at once, including the manual configuration of each computer.
You can use NetMonk support for a more accurate network and server monitoring process. So the use of IP addresses and also the security of the transfer in it can be easier and more convenient. Netmonk is able to provide detailed monitoring results with the help of a dashboard so that it is more thorough in all the desired areas.
Moreover, the costs required also tend to be pocket-friendly, especially for long-term needs.