Remote working is the best choice in the Covid-19 pandemic situation like today. If you look at the work of a network engineer who has to stand by in front of a monitor for 24 hours, it seems impossible to do it remotely, right? But by choosing the right network monitoring tool, you can monitor the network from anywhere and anytime.

Perhaps all of the network monitoring tools that exist, Netmonk is the one you can consider. What are the advantages of remote monitoring with Netmonk?

1. Affordable

Firstly, Netmonk is more affordable than the other monitoring tools but with good quality. Its excellent features don’t disappoint either. So, you can save on company operating costs.

2. More Efficient

Remote monitoring with NetMonk, a network monitoring application, is more efficient because you can monitor corporate networks anytime and anywhere. You can take advantage of the real-time notification feature that is owned by NetMonk. This feature allows you to work both mobile and remotely in situations like today.

3. Real-time Notifications

If you are a loyal Netmonk blog reader, this may sound boring but don’t be just yet because this Netmonk feature is very useful for remote monitoring activities. Real-time notification owned by NetMonk will notify you about which network device is on or off via email or Telegram.

4. Easier to Use

Compared to the traditional method or the old method, which requires IT staff to wait for problematic network devices first, then check and repair them. NetMonk makes it easy for you to monitor the network with all of its features and also its dashboard display.

5. Technical Support 

Apart from the features mentioned above, NetMonk also has reliable technical support that you can trust to help you if you have a problem. You also don’t need to hesitate with the support provided because NetMonk Technical Support is an expert in their field. There is no language barrier is also a factor

So after reading this article to the end, have you started considering NetMonk as your network monitoring tool of choice? Contact our marketing team here to ask more about NetMonk