Almost all industries now inevitably rely on networks in order to run their operations properly. Network conditions must always be maintained so that various company tasks run smoothly, hence the need for real-time network monitoring. If implemented properly, network monitoring can save IT operational costs. How to do it?
5 Ways Network Monitoring Can Save Money
There are 5 ways network monitoring can reduce IT team operational costs. Here is the full explanation:
1. Reduce costs caused by Downtime
Downtime is the enemy of any business that relies on network connectivity for its operations, customers, or partners. Downtime can result in lost revenue, reduced productivity, loss of reputation, and decreased customer satisfaction.
According to a study conducted by Gartner, the average cost of downtime for a company is $5,600 per minute. Network monitoring can help prevent and minimize downtime by alerting IT teams to potential problems before they escalate. For example, high latency, low bandwidth, device failure, or security breaches.
Network monitoring can also be used to automate various tasks, such as backup and recovery, to reduce the impact of downtime and restore services quickly. By monitoring 24 hours a day, companies can reduce costs and financial losses due to downtime.
2. Optimizing Resource Utilization
Network resources, such as bandwidth, storage, memory, and CPU bandwidth are limited and may require costly upgrades and maintenance. Network monitoring can help companies optimize resource utilization by providing insights into how devices and how many applications are consuming resources on the network, and how much capacity is left.
After knowing the above information, the IT team can allocate existing resources efficiently. Network monitoring can also be used to detect and prevent waste of resources, such as unused or underutilized devices, duplicate or obsolete data, and unnecessary traffic.
By optimizing resource utilization, IT teams can improve network performance, avoid over-provisioning or even shortages, and reduce operational costs. There are always capacity and resource constraints and challenges related to balancing the network and its resources. The ideal is to optimize the data source while ensuring critical metrics such as performance, availability, reliability, security, and scalability are not compromised.
3. Improve security and compliance
Network security and compliance are critical for any company that handles sensitive data, such as financial information, health, and personal information. Network security and compliance can also affect a company’s net profit, as a breach or data breach can result in fines, lawsuits, and loss of trust.
Network monitoring can help IT teams improve security and compliance by enabling companies to monitor and audit network activity, detect and respond to threats, and enforce policies and rules. Network monitoring tools can also be used to create reports that demonstrate a company’s compliance with industry standards and regulations.
To minimize downtime costs, it’s important to prioritize enterprise infrastructure security and compliance. This can be achieved by designing and implementing regular maintenance and monitoring procedures, conducting regular risk assessments, and proactively establishing backup and recovery plans. Finally, it is important to monitor and improve the measures implemented on an ongoing basis to improve security.
4. Increase productivity and efficiency of the company
Network productivity and efficiency are important for any business that wants to deliver a high-quality service or product to customers or stakeholders. Network productivity and efficiency can also affect a company’s operational costs, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage.
Network monitoring can help improve productivity and efficiency by enabling IT teams to measure and improve network performance, such as its speed, reliability, or availability.
Companies can also use network monitoring tools to automate tasks such as configuration, maintenance, and updates, which usually have to be done manually and take time. By increasing productivity and efficiency, companies can save time and cost, increase customer loyalty, and excel over competitors.
5. Support the growth and innovation of corporate networks
Network growth and innovation are essential for any company that wants to expand its market, reach new customers, or offer new services or products. Network growth and innovation can also benefit a company’s performance, especially financially, because it can create new revenue streams, reduce costs, and also increase value.
Network monitoring can help IT teams support growth and innovation by providing data and feedback that can help companies make informed decisions. For example, where to invest, how to scale, or what to improve. Network monitoring can also be used to test and validate various new ideas, such as features, applications, to new technologies, and then measure their impact on the network and business.
Advantages Of Network Monitoring
Network monitoring offers various advantages, among which are:
1. Proactively Detect Problems
One of the main benefits of network monitoring tools is that companies can find problems and root causes quickly. That way, the problem can be handled quickly anyway, before the problem becomes serious.
2. Improved Network Performance
The business is growing rapidly, and new devices may need to be added to the network as needed. To maintain performance, increased bandwidth is essential. By monitoring the network, performance improvements can be made effectively.
3. Improved Network Security
Cybercriminals are always looking for opportunities to break into networks and steal data. Network monitoring tools are able to prevent these attempts because they are able to detect anomalies and things that have a negative impact on the network.
4. Resource Optimization
Manually checking resource usage across networks is not an easy task due to complex networks. With network monitoring tools, the task of identifying deficient or excessive resources can be done more easily. IT teams can allocate resources more precisely and efficiently.
Network Monitoring is not just managing the company’s network, but also can save costs that must be incurred by the company. By using the right network monitoring tools, companies can reduce downtime costs, optimize resource utilization, improve security and compliance, and productivity and efficiency. Netmonk as the first network monitoring solution provider from Indonesia that simplifies the complexity of network problems comes with products that are able to monitor the network comprehensively. Visit Web Netmonk to find out more product info!